Science Fiction Art: From the Moon to Mars, by Kevin Fleeman

From the Moon to Mars, by Kevin Fleeman. Click here for more of the artist’s work!

Click the picture for full-size. I find lots inspiration in artwork, and I share the best pieces I find here so that others may enjoy and perhaps be inspired by them as well.

Some of these pieces have inspired my writing, or beautifully frame some concept or another that I may want or have already written about. I present them here without commentary so they may inspire you without the burden of my perspective, but if you are curious as to my thoughts on any piece or wish to share your own comments are always welcome.

If you’re interested in more Science Fiction Artwork shared previously on my blog, the provided link will take you to an index of them.

7 thoughts on “Science Fiction Art: From the Moon to Mars, by Kevin Fleeman

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  1. Rosine smiled as she took off her helmet, walking through the fields. She technically wasn’t supposed to, as the planet could have invisible gas that had lasting effects, but it had been three months since they had landed, and nothing was wrong so far.
    Planet Genesis had saved the human race. Hundreds were starving from the effects that pollution was having on Earth, and plants weren’t growing.
    Here, on Genisis, an entire crop could be planted and harvested in seven days. Paralyzed people were cured, and the soil healed wounds.
    A miracle planet indeed, and a good reason to smile.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the artwork. – I see in this picture several astronauts picking planted vegetables from the soil, on another planet. The air is rich and pure, so much that the food grows large and rapidly. She takes her helmet off and takes a deep breath, enjoying the tingle of fresh untainted oxygen and vows not the let the unnamed planet turn into another abused earth.😎

    Liked by 2 people

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